Sex is not something that we do .. Sex is somewhere we go to - Esther Perel.

Sexual energy is the highest in the body ... it is the Energy of Creation.

Sadly, most of our Clients need help to enhance it to its highest potential ... and they do not know what they are missing because they are misled by media, education (or lack of it), pornography.

If they are aware of a problem, they think it is not “fixable” … so they cheat or lose hope … because the big O is not for them.

For many of them, sex is another marital duty … or just a tool for procreation.

As a Sexual Agility Specialist, you will be able to

  • Help yourself and your Clients manage any negative beliefs/emotions that are holding them back and stopping them from enjoying a healthy and creative sex life.
  • Manage any and all sexual dysfunctions that are stopping them from reaching potentials they are not even aware of.
  • Regain power over any trauma that has been shadowing their life for years .. without them having the guts to speak out .. leading to guilt .. shame .. erectile dysfunction .. lack or orgasm
  • Bring back the fire to their sex life ... or even create it by managing the delicate balance between excitement and security
  • Help Clients know about their bodies and compatibilities.
  • Help Clients shift sexual energy that is not used into the third eye, to use it for Creativity.
  • Educate teens or soon-to-be-married couples to build awareness and manage expectations.
  • Help Clients handle any fetish by releasing it or living it under hypnotherapy in a clinical setup – live or online

This certification is exclusively for Clinical Hypnotherapists, Energy workers and Coaches accredited by an international certification body and subject to screening.

Live classes: November 18-19-25-26, 2023 - Beirut - Lebanon

Online evening classes: November 20-21-22-23-24-2, 2023